Wednesday 7 May 2014

My Passion of Cooking

Everyone has a passion or two….or more.  Cooking has always been a passion for me.  Coming from a Ukrainian background, food and cooking was something I was accustomed to.  The smells of the many kitchens of my mom, grandmother and aunts still to this day manage to find their way back into my senses.  Huge family gatherings and LOTS and LOTS of food was the norm.  It sometimes took many kitchens to prepare the feast of the families.

Now that I am all grown up and have my own family, cooking is still a passion I enjoy.  We have our own "family favourites"…. and even though my kids are grown up and have families of their own….I still get the "Mom can you make…." and very soon I expect the grandchildren to ask for certain things, just like I did to my grandmother.

The family holidays are usually celebrated here.  Seems that people enjoy the food and keep coming back for more.  I have often been asked why I don't run a Bed & Breakfast, or get involved with cooking in a business manner?  I guess perhaps the timing has not been right, we get busy with our lives and the daily ins and outs that keep just occupied on a daily basis.

With my posts I hope to inspire people to look at food as exciting.  Lots of people don't like cooking, or say they can't find the time.  In today's world  of over processed, high fat, high sugar foods, we have to take the challenge of nourishment in our hands to provide healthy and tasty choices for feed ourselves and our families.

If I can do it….you can too.  It can be as complicated….or as simple as you like, that's what Cooking with CHOICE is all about.

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