Saturday 18 October 2014

Elegant & Gourmet….made EASY!!

I LOVE preparing our huge Thanksgiving feast.  All the wonderful smells filling the house….in anticipation of all the yummy food we are going to eat!!  Of all the holiday dinners, this is the one I enjoy making the most.

Pumpkin pie is always, always on the top of the list.  I still have my mom's handwritten recipe that I turn to each year.  It has been many, many years since she has been with us, but the memories of her pie always make their way to my dinner table.

My oldest daughter is the ONLY person that does not like pumpkin pie. How can you not like pumpkin pie??  Even my 2 1/2 year old grandson loves pumpkin pie.  So like most moms….I make 2 desserts so she can enjoy a nice ending to the meal as well.  Believe me, my husband and son-in-laws have no problem eating both desserts….even my other daughter….who loves pumpkin pie as much as I do, enjoys the 2 dessert option.
Since this is the fall season, my dessert of choice involves apples.  Usually an apple pudding, or apple crisp  find their way onto the menu.  This year I decided to try something different.  With the help of one of my favourite sites:, I made a truly wonderful, elegant dessert…..Free Form Apple Tarte.

It is one of the most simple desserts I have ever made and it's now on my list of top 10 desserts I love making.  It truly reminds me of visiting a gourmet coffee shop with my husband, and ordering this for a nice treat.  In fact I have ordered something like this on several occasions….now I can make it at home!!

So you see…with a little help from the internet….and some patience in the kitchen…things people would consider difficult are actually easy.  Simple gourmet….it doesn't get better than that.

Check out the site and give it a try….perhaps it will become a favourite of yours too.  


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